We are BrightGreen!

A team of driven experts who, together with clients, suppliers and specialists in the food sector, achieve the most sustainable and healthy food supply possible.
With our impact tool, we ensure tangible results at every ambition level and contribute to a healthy future for our planet, clients and their guests, clients or patients.

'Our team has years of experience in this industry. As a result, we understand better than anyone the challenges of organisations that want their food offerings to be sustainable and contribute to the health of guests, patients and clients. We also help organisations achieve their goals in terms of lower environmental impact. We are now putting the expertise in data-driven food management we built up at Fooditis and Delegate to work for BrightGreen.
With one aim: to realise our clients' sustainable and healthy ambitions together!'

Jan van Hoof, founder

Our belief

Insight is the first and most important step towards a sustainable and healthy food supply. By measuring and closely monitoring the impact of your purchases, you gain insight into which next steps you can take to achieve your sustainable goals. Insight also leads to awareness among your clients and their guests, patients or clients, so they too can make sustainable and healthy choices.

Our drive

Together with concerned organisations, we want to ensure that our food and drinks contribute to a better world, with a special focus on the environment and health. The food sector is responsible for almost a third of the total environmental burden worldwide. The impact of poor food choices on public health is also high. Together, we can make a big difference in small steps!